Gorey Educate Together Secondary School

Ethical Education

Ethical Education

In Gorey ETSS all students will participate in Ethical Education. This is a curriculum that is underpinned by core values such as respect for self, respect for others, respect for and knowledge of difference, gender equity, respect for the environment and the rights and responsibility of being a citizen from both a local and global perspective.

The subject involves exploring different worldviews and beliefs, considering ethical dilemmas and the process of ethical decision making. Ethical Education invites students and teachers to engage with issues and problems facing society and aims to develop the skills of critical thinking, discussion and debate.

Junior Cycle Ethical Education is divided into 9 strands. They are:

  1. Values: Students explore what is of value to them and what has influenced this. The concepts of morality, principles, facts and opinions are also examined.
  2. Making Moral and Ethical Decisions: Students apply different approaches to ethical decision making and consider different ethical dilemmas using these approaches.
  3. Beliefs and Worldviews: Students investigate different ideological standpoints and religious beliefs and identify how these might impact on an individual’s worldview.
  4. Different Teachings and Perspectives: Students study a number of texts, myths and narratives and consider how these may have influenced human behaviour and thought.
  5. Diversity in Ireland: Students explore diversity in a local and national context and think critically about the experience of minority groups in Irish society, particularly experiences of discrimination.
  6. Migration: Students develop an enhanced awareness of the language associated with migration; discover how migration has had an impact on Ireland and; critically analyse how the media reports migration in different contexts.
  7. Power and participation: Students reflect on and assess the power and decision-making processes in their school.
  8. Gender Equality: Students research, debate and reflect on issues related to gender equality in national and international contexts.
  9. Global Citizenship Education: Students increase their knowledge of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and take action in relation to at least one of them.
Mar 13
Staff Training 15:30-17:30
Mar 17
School Closure
Apr 02
Staff Training 15:30-17:30
Apr 14
Term 2 Holidays
Gorey, Co Wexford
089 277 9901
© 2025 Gorey Educate Together Secondary School